TBPL Homes

CMD's Message

Er. K.A. Padmakumar
B.E (CIVIL), FIE, C Eng (I)

Chairman & Managing Director
Thrissur Builders Pvt Ltd

There have been no better words spoken on the priceless value of customers of a business establishment than the one by the Father of our Nation, Mahatmaji.

“A customer is the most important visitor in our premises. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider; he is a part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.”

With this thought firmly in our mind, in the last three plus decades we have strived and succeeded to provide beautiful, comfortable and tranquil homes to our valuable customers. It is you…… dear customers, who give strength to our shoulders, to push forward despite different odds and turbulence in the economy and the industry. Without your wholehearted support, we wouldn’t have reached the present milestone of 54 projects of which 50 are handed over ahead of schedule.

We do need your continued support and valuable inputs in the form of suggestions for betterment, in all aspects of construction and customer relations.

We understand that all of us are responsible for preserving our planet. Hence, great care is taken by us while executing a project, ensuring that the green construction methodologies are employed wherever possible. To sum it up, we remain committed to you, our customers and to our planet.

I also take this opportunity to thank all our esteemed customers and look forward to serving you with dedication in the future too.

TBPL Homes

Executive Director

Smt. T. Bindu completed Post Graduation in Statistics from Calicut University in the year 1996. She is the wife of Er. K.A. Padmakumar, Chairman and Managing Director of TBPL. She has been entrusted the responsibilities of Executive Director of TBPL since April 2006 and has been leading the Company’s Finance and Administration.

She is very much particular regarding the efficiency of the work by the concerned staff and ensures all the Department works are executed within the required rules and standards.

Smt. T. Bindu, M.Sc, B.Ed

Executive Director
Thrissur Builders Pvt Ltd

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